Warnings are an easy way to log wrongful behavior of users, together with an automated way of punishing them based on the amount of warnings received.
Displaying your warnings
To display the active warns you currently have, you can use the command /warns.
To display all warns, even if they were deactivated, you can use the command /warn list-all.
Managing warnings
It's possible to manage warns using the command /warn. All warnings that are created have a unique numerical id that is used across all commands.
When a warning is given to a server member, punishments can be automatically applied to the user.
Punishments aren't updated/lifted when a warning is deactivated or updated by an evidence being added.
When warnings are edited, either by them being created, when an evidence is added or when they are deactivated, the change is logged in the respective channel.
When warnings are managed successfully, a log message containing the relevant information is sent into the log channel.
The log channel depends on the Warning Type: If the warning type is either Serious
, Major
or Minor
, the message is sent into the channel of the server property MODERATION_LOGS_CHANNEL
, otherwise it's sent into the STRIKES_LOGS_CHANNEL
Warnings can be deactivated by using the command /warn deactivate. This will mean that the warning will no longer be shown in /warns and will no longer have an effect when punishments are calculated.