Role Requirement Type ✏️
Role requirements describe which requirement has to be met to receive a given role, depending on the server member's data and their linked accounts. This is checked every time the users roles are synced.
Possible values
Skyblock Level
Catacombs Level
Farming Level
Mining Level
Combat Level
Fishing Level
Skill Average
Highest Skill
Current Score
WIP, extra data is not implemented yet
Alltime Score
WIP, extra data is not implemented yet
Total Carries
WIP, not implemented yet
Total Carries In Time Frame
WIP, not implemented yet
Money Spent
Money Spent In Time Frame
Hypixel Rank
The Hypixel rank is parsed to a number, with Player (no rank) being 0, VIP being 1, and so on. You can see the full list of possible ranks here.
Guild Membership
The extra data should be a guild name
If the user is in the guild, the number that will be compared to the role requirement is 1, otherwise 0
Guild Rank
The extra data should be a guild name
The number that will be compared to the role requirement is the priority of the guild rank. This means that the lowest rank possible (usually the default rank) has a priority of 1, the highest rank (guild master) has the highest number. If the user is not in the guild of the extra data, the number returned is equal to 0.
Magical Power
Class Average
Highest Crit Damage