Dungeon Hub API ✏️
What is the Dungeon Hub API
The Dungeon Hub API hosts all data that is used in the Dungeon Hub Bot.
The Dungeon Hub Bot itself only serves as a client to interact with the API - it does not have any database access and only persists data through the API. A documentation with all endpoints and their usage can be found at https://api.dungeon-hub.net/.
Most endpoints of the Dungeon Hub API require authentication.
The API uses bearer tokens for authentication, meaning an Authorization header containing the JWT token must be attached to the request.
The header should look like: Authorization: Bearer <token>
A token can be obtained from the authentication server, which is hosted separately to the API at https://auth.dungeon-hub.net/.
Logging in as a user
Coming soon
Logging in as a client
To log in as a client, you need to send a POST
request to https://auth.dungeon-hub.net/realms/dungeon-hub/protocol/openid-connect/token
The request body should be a multipart form containing the following fields:
As the Authorization header, you should use basic authentication with the client's credentials (client id as username, client secret as password).
Connecting to the API
All API endpoints are reachable under https://api.dungeon-hub.net/. A simple documentation of all endpoints is available there.
To ease the connection to the API, a Kotlin/JVM library containing all models that the API uses in requests and responses, as well as a library to send requests to all possible endpoints is available at https://github.com/dungeon-hub/dungeon-hub-api.
Importing the client library
First of all, add a dependency to your gradle/libs.versions.toml
This file is used to declare the versions of libraries you use in one central place.
Then, you can simply add the dependency to your build.gradle.kts
First of all, add a dependency to your gradle/libs.versions.toml
This file is used to declare the versions of libraries you use in one central place.
Then, you can simply add the dependency to your build.gradle
Please add the following to your `pom.xml`: